More About Mind, Body and Spirit Wellness and Stress Busting

Have you ever heard of mind body spirit health? It is an idea of help individuals to keep healthy. These are three elements of the body and all are important. Each works together to create the essential performance of the body that led to good health.

The first part of this health is the emotional body or the mind. This controls our thoughts and feelings. It is important to maintain good relationships for a healthy mind and emotional life. If you continue to feel hurt and be hurt in a relationship it harms your mind health. Our thoughts are a big part of our mind. We hold on to many emotions. An idea to keep our emotions and mind positive is to tell ourselves you can handle a situation or listing all our accomplishments every day. Concentrate on the positive to get through the negative helps. Having emotional concerns that effect the mind can also affect the body as well as the spirit.

Then there is the body or physical element of mind body spirit. It is important to exercise daily. It doesn't have to be hours of activity every day. One day you might go for a walk and another day you might want to go for a swim. Getting active daily helps start a routine and keeps you healthy. There are many options to keep the physical body healthy through exercises as well. A half hour at least is very helpful daily. You will notice confidence, strength and energy as an exercise benefit. Another element to keep the body healthy is eating proper nutrition. Looking good will also help emotional or mind healthy helping us feel good about our self image. It helps to lower stress in the body.


  1. The NES Health system also provides information on energetic imbalances for: The “Revealing” Mind Screens – images of brain hologram and our emotional states; Environmental Influences – Electro-Smog, Solvents, Insecticides and Heavy Metals; Nutritional Influences – Absorption, minerals, Antioxidants, Metabolism, Blood Oxygenation, B Vitamins, and sensitivities to: Lactose, Gluten, Sugar; Musculoskeletal Review – areas of the body with muscular disturbaces.

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